Ginkgo Biloba is used to promote and improve blood flow and ease a number of circulation problems. It is one the most popular and widely used natural ingredients in male enhancement products – typically for erectile dysfunction.

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Ginkgo Biloba and ED
Ginkgo biloba is species of tree. Extracts taken from the leaves are often used in supplements and are associated with many health benefits and are sometimes used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED).
Along with horny goat weed it one of the most widely used ingredients in the male enhancement supplement industry.
Also known as the maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba is native to China and is the oldest species of tree in the world. Fossils show the species is at least 270 million years old.
The leaves have a long history of use as a medicine for the mind and are a traditional treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.
In this article, I want to concentrate on the abilities of Ginkgo biloba in relation to ED.
As well as providing an insight into how this woody-wonder may pump up the penis, I’ll also touch on some of the other benefits users can expect.
I’m going to provide information about Ginkgo Biloba side effects as well.
Must Read: Have you heard of Viasil? – a natural supplement that helps erectile dysfunction and works like Viagra. It is available to order direct from the official website
Ginkgo Biloba Benefits
A Great Source of Antioxidants.
When it comes to providing antioxidants, Ginkgo biloba packs a lot of power.
Antioxidants benefit the body in numerous ways and its likely that antioxidant activity may be part of the reason Ginkgo biloba has such a good reputation as a natural remedy for ED.

As you will no doubt be aware, antioxidants help purge the body of free radical toxins. We are exposed to these toxins every day.
They are in the atmosphere around us and our bodies even manufacture them as a byproduct of certain biological functions.
Left unchecked, these toxins cause an undesirable condition known as oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress can slow metabolism leading to weight gain, cause premature aging, and cause all manner of other problems. This is one of the causes of ED.
To become erect, the penis requires an adequate supply of blood. Nitric oxide in the blood has an important role to play in penile erection.
Nitric oxide is a vasodilator. It relaxes the walls of the blood vessels, helping the blood to get in.
Free radical toxins deplete nitric oxide. Needless to say, this is a downer for the penis because it prevents it from being able to fulfill one of its main roles in life.
By fighting free radicals in the way that they do, antioxidants are a power of nature that may help men suffering from ED to get their sex lives back on track.
Although some doctors are already using antioxidants to treat male fertility problems, there is still a need for more study but Ginkgo biloba is a lot more than just a great source of antioxidants.
A Natural Remedy for Inflammation
Ginkgo biloba provides compounds that reduce inflammation.
Although inflammation has an important role to play in normal immune response, certain things can cause it to reach unhealthy levels.
Eating processed food, smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of exercise—all these things can encourage inflammation. So can many more.
Research published in the European Heart Journal, suggests low-grade systemic inflammation could be a factor that contributes to ED.
The powerful anti-inflammatory ability of ginkgo biloba is probably another reason why it has such a good reputation as a natural treatment for ED.
Improves Circulation
This is going over old ground to a certain extent because I’ve already explained Ginkgo biloba’s ability to improve blood flow via vasodilation.

However, earlier I was placing the most focus on antioxidant activity. Now I want to look at circulation in general.
Good circulation is important and not just for helping to provide a big engorged penis. The entire body benefits when blood supply improves.
The oxygen and nutrients the organs require arrive via the blood. When circulation improves, it helps keep things running in top-form.
This may be one of the reasons why Ginkgo biloba is associated with medicinal value is so many different areas.
Research shows the participants in one study took Ginkgo biloba and benefited from immediate improvements in blood flow all over the body.
The researchers attribute this to a 12 percent increase in circulating nitric oxide.
Several more studies show Ginkgo biloba can successfully improve circulation and reduce the risks of cardiovascular events.
However, further research is necessary to identify all the ways Ginkgo biloba affects circulation, heart health, and brain function. Scientists know a lot but there is still plenty to learn.
Improves Brain Function and Prevents Cognitive Decline

There’s a lot of talk about Ginkgo biloba and ED, but there’s even more about its abilities regarding cognitive function.
This may be partly or wholly due to its ability to improve circulation, the antioxidants it provides, or a combination of factors.
Ginkgo biloba shows a lot of promise as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and its alleged ability to boost memory and learning capabilities has made it a popular ingredient in nootropic supplements.
Alleviates Anxiety and Depression
Research suggests Ginkgo biloba may also reduce anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, most of the research was on animals but it’s still early days yet.
Study is ongoing and it will be interesting to see what kind of data the future reveals.
Research may be lacking but many supplement users claim Ginkgo biloba helps put them in a better state of mind.
One study involved two groups of mice. One group got Ginkgo biloba, the other group did not.
When the two groups were placed in stressful situations, the mice that ate the supplement showed lesser degrees of distress.
This may not appear to have much bearing in an article about Ginkgo biloba and erectile dysfunction, but it does.
Men who are suffering from stress are more likely to have problems with ED. Feelings of anxiety can waylay the signals the brain sends to the penis to make it get hard.
Ginkgo Biloba Risks and Side Effects
Although Ginkgo biloba is a herbal medicine that’s been in use for a long time, using it can present certain risks.
The same can be said for many other natural ingredients. That’s why it’s always best to ask a doctor for advice before you start using anything new.
If you have existing health problems (other than ED), it’s especially important to talk to your doctor first.
The same is true if you would need to use Ginkgo biloba alongside medication.
High doses of Ginkgo biloba may cause stomach pain, dizziness, nausea, and/or other undesirable side effects.
Dizziness and nausea are more likely if you have low blood pressure or are using blood pressure medication.
Although allergic reactions are unlikely, they cannot be ruled out.
We are all different and some people are allergic to everyday things such as gluten and dairy.
For this reason, it may be wise to begin with a small dose the first time you use Ginkgo biloba.
Is Ginkgo Biloba a Good Option for Treating ED?
Ginkgo biloba contains compounds that allow it to do things that may be beneficial to men with ED.
However, the reality is, Ginkgo biloba probably works best when it’s grouped with other beneficial ingredients, such as horny goat weed, ginseng, and zinc.
Many of the ingredients used in male potency boosters are mainstays of traditional Asian medicine.
The herbalists have been passing down their knowledge for thousands of years and seldom use lone ingredients.
The herbal teas and other infusions they prepare generally contain several ingredients that work in synergy and accentuate each other’s abilities.
Not surprisingly, all the best male enhancement supplements contain clever combinations of ingredients as well.
Ginkgo Biloba and ED Conclusion
Ginkgo biloba is a powerful herb that s often used in the supplements men take to alleviate ED.
Although there is a need for more research into its abilities regarding ED, many men say that it works. If it helps one man, there’s a strong likelihood it will do the same for another.
It’s also important not to lose sight of the fact Asian herbalists have using Ginkgo biloba in their medicines for thousands of years.
Many different factors can contribute to ED. Some are physical, others are mental. One way or another, they all influence the penis’ ability to swell up with blood.
Ginkgo biloba appears to be capable of tacking several of the factors that can provide this blood-blocking effect.
The antioxidants it provides support healthy nitrogen levels. Other compounds in the herb reduce inflammation. By doing these things it makes it easier for the penis to fill up with blood.
Ginkgo biloba’s stress-fighting abilities are also important. By alleviating stress the herb makes sure the “get hard” signal from the brain gets where it needs to be.
Although there is a small risk of side effects, the same is true for many natural ingredients. It’s also true for prescription medications like Cialis and Viagra.
Good as they are, these medications tend to present greater dangers of side effects that natural supplements do.
Whether you choose to treat your ED by taking prescription medication or by using supplements that provide natural ingredients like Ginkgo biloba is up to you.
The most important thing is to realize help is available. There is no need to suffer in silence.