There are several erectile dysfunction causes that inhibit the strength or ability of a man to get an erection. We list the most common causes.

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What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotence as it is sometimes called, is a surprisingly common problem that affects many men.
Estimates vary, but one review of the statistics by NCBI suggests ED affects 33 percent of men.
As the name suggests, erectile dysfunction or (ED) is a condition that prevents men from being able to get and maintain an erection that is hard enough to permit sex.
There are many causes of erectile dysfunction with chronic disease and lifestyle being arguably being the most common.
Around 52 percent of men experience ED at some point in their lives and chances of ED increase as men get older.
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ED may be a temporary condition that only causes occasional frustration but the problem can also be ongoing. Increasing blood flow to the penis is the most effective solution for a physical problem.
It’s a condition some men find it difficult to talk about, even to a doctor, so many of them suffer in silence.
However, ED is often a symptom of a greater problem, such as atherosclerosis, so it’s not a problem that should be ignored.
Some research suggests men who have ED may be twice as likely to suffer heart attacks as men who do not have the problem.
All things considered, instead of seeing the problem as an embarrassment, it may be best to see it as an early warning system.
Of course, ED does not always indicate the presence of a dangerous condition. There are many factors that can come into play. This is article provides some of the issues and conditions that can cause ED in men.
However, although we hope it will be helpful please remember the information you find on the internet is never a substitute for professional medical advice.
Statistics say that 33% of men suffer from ED at some point in their lives
Erectile Dysfunction: What You Need to Know
Getting an erection is a complex process that involves several factors. It’s not just about the penis. One of the things it requires is the correct mental and/or emotional stimulus. Hormones also play a role in making the penis erect. So do blood vessels and nerves.
Disruptions in any of these areas can interfere with a man’s ability to become erect. Too much stress, too little sleep, bad lifestyle habits—all of these things can be causes of ED.
The problem can also be self-feeding to a certain extent because the stress and anxiety it causes may result in pre-sex apprehension that may act a little like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
8 Things That Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

1. Lifestyle Factors can Cause ED
ED is often the result of lifestyle factors. Fortunately, many lifestyle factors are easy to change.
Lots of men have occasional erection problems due to the over-consumption of alcohol. Fortunately, after a good night’s sleep, it’s generally business as normal.
However, when men drink too much too often it can lead to erection difficulties that are not so easily overcome.
Research shows sexual dysfunction is common among men who have alcohol dependence and drinking heavily “proportionately increases the risk.”
Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety can present a number of health problems. ED is one of them and several studies prove it.
One of the larger-scale studies, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine (May 2013), involved 405,275 Iraq, and Afghanistan war veterans.
The research shows the combat veteran’s, mental health disorders, particularly PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder], increased the risk of sexual dysfunction. This was independent of the use of psychiatric medications.
Obesity is another lifestyle factor that often causes ED. Apart from putting extra strain on the joints and important organs like the heart, obesity can damage the blood vessels that feed the penis with blood.

Obesity can also lower testosterone levels. This on its own can be enough to keep a man limp. You can make arrangements with your doctor to have your testosterone levels checked.
Smoking isn’t just damaging to the health, it can also be ruinous to a man’s sex life. The tar and chemicals tobacco smoke contains can damage the lining of the blood vessels. This impairs blood flow to the penis meaning it cannot get enough blood to become engorged.
Insufficient Exercise
As men age, they often become less active but some men have sedentary lifestyles their whole life through.
That’s not good for a man’s physical health or his sexual well-being. A growing amount of evidence shows a lack of exercise is one of the causes of ED.
Research conducted at Harvard University shows men who ran for 90 minutes per week or did 3 hours of vigorous outdoor work each week were 20 percent less likely to be troubled by ED than men living less active lives.
The research also suggests greater levels of activity may entail greater benefits. Men who spent two-and-a-half hours running were 30 percent less likely to develop ED.
Drugs and Medications
For men who are hooked on heroin or cocaine, ED is likely to be the least of their problems but, in all probability, it may be one of them.
However, it’s not just illegal drugs that present problems. Using certain prescription medications, such as beta-blockers, can also interfere with a man’s ability to get an erection.
2. Cardiovascular Diseases Can Cause ED
A cardiovascular disease is any disease that affects the heart and/or the blood vessels.
Needless to say, diseases that do these things can stop the penis from getting enough blood. A leading cause of ED is cardiovascular disease.
Some types of cardiovascular disease are hereditary. Others are often the result of lifestyle factors such as smoking, bad diet, and lack of exercise.
In the case of arteriosclerosis, for example, the arteries become thicker and stiffer. This impairs circulation.
Sometimes the disease is the result of another problem, such as high blood pressure (also causes ED), but lifestyle factors, such as smoking, can also come into play.
3. High Cholesterol
There are two types of cholesterol. The one people worry about is LDL (low-density lipoprotein) because it clogs up the arteries and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Again, by reducing blood flow to the penis, high cholesterol levels can interfere with a man’s ability to “get hard.”
4. Diabetes
A lot of men who have diabetes suffer from ED as well. It affects 35-75 percent of diabetic males.
Furthermore, diabetic men may develop ED 10-15 years earlier than men who do not have the disease.
5. Peyronie’s Disease
A sexual problem in itself, Peyronie’s Disease is a condition that causes the penis to bend when it becomes erect.
The bend is caused when scar tissue builds-up in the blood vessels within the penis. In severe cases, Peyronie’s Disease may prevent the penis from becoming hard in the first place.
Presuming an erection is possible, having a bent penis can make a man feel self-conscious and apprehensive about having sex. It may be especially bad if it’s the first time with a new partner.
The stress and anxiety this causes can be so distressing it may make it impossible to become hard.
6. Sleep Disorders
Sleep deprivation can cause a man’s testosterone levels to drop sufficiently to interfere with his ability to get an erect penis.

When loss of sleep is due to sleep apnea (a chronic condition), it can present additional problems. As well as reducing testosterone levels, sleep apnea reduces the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood.
A sufficient supply of oxygen is another thing that’s necessary for a healthy erection so, as far as a man’s sex life goes, sleep apnea can be double trouble.
7. Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis causes the joints to become swollen. It’s an unpleasant disease that reduces mobility and can cause a lot of pain. Rheumatoid arthritis can also affect the blood vessels in the penis, causing some men who suffer from it to develop ED.
8. HIV
HIV is another possible cause of ED. The erection difficulties some men with HIV have to deal with may be mental in origin, have a physical cause, or be due to a combination of mental and physical factors.
One of the things HIV does is lower testosterone. The other thing it does is cause a lot of anxiety and stress. Apart from knowing they have such a dangerous disease, men may also have to worry about the prospect of passing it on.
Additional Diseases and Factors that Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction can have so many different causes it would be impossible to list them all here.
A few other possible causes include:
- Metabolic syndrome
- Parkinson’s disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Cancer treatments
- Surgical procedures
- Depression
Erectile Dysfunction Causes Summary
Although getting an erection is not an issue to many men, especially in their youth; that stiff, blood-swollen penis requires a combination of physical and mental factors. When one or more of these factors are disrupted, the process breaks down. ED is the result.
It’s a common problem so, if you suffer from ED, you are not alone. Many other men are in the same boat. Worrying about the situation or feeling ashamed or apprehensive will only make the situation worse.