So what are the best male enhancement pills to buy in 2023`? I will list the most popular and most effective products to increase a low libido, erectile dysfunction, and poor sex drive to increase male virility.

What Will I Learn
What are Male Enhancement Pills
Male enhancement pills are natural supplements produced to improve your sexual performance, increase libido and boost male virility.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an issue many men have to deal with at some point in their lives. So, if ED is a problem you are currently struggling with, don’t worry, you are not alone.
Sometimes ED is only an occasional problem but it can also be ongoing. Either way, it’s a problem that can ruin a man’s sex life and damage his self-esteem.
In a world where virility is seen as being one of the most defining features of a “man”, talking about ED or other male potency issues can be extremely embarrassing.
Top Male Enhancement Pills: Quick Look
- Viasil – Best Erectile Dysfunction Supplement
- Male Extra – Male Enhancement Pill
- ViGRX Plus – Sexual Performance Pill
- ProSolution – Male Enhancement Supplement
- Extenze – Extended Release Sexual Performance Pill
Common as it is, ED is a problem that most men don’t talk about.
Fortunately, there are prescription products and medications that perk a man up and alleviate ED.
There are also many male enhancement supplements that contain natural ingredients that can do the same thing.
Like other prescription-only options, male enhancement supplements generally come in the form of a pill.
These alternatives are very popular because their non-prescription status makes it possible to treat ED without having to admit the problem exists.
Although there is never a substitute for attaining professional medical advice, if ED has become a problem for you, male enhancement pills that contain natural ingredients could be a good way to turn things around.
There are some excellent options available to buy online and the discreet nature of the packaging, guarantees nobody will know you are using supplements or have a problem with ED.
What Do Male Enhancement Pills Do?
Obviously, a good male enhancement pill should always boost libido and improve your sex life. Most of them achieve this by boosting blood flow to the penis.
Apart from making it easier to get an erection, the improvement in circulation can help make your penis harder. It can also keep it that way for a long time.
Increase Sexual Stamina
Good male enhancement pills often increase stamina as well. Apart from allowing you and your partner to enjoy longer sex session, the extra stamina may also enrich and improve your everyday life.
The best male enhancement products often increase the sensitivity of the penis. This can help you to obtain “mind-blowing” orgasms.
Such products may also offer a number of other benefits that extend into everyday life. For instance, they may boost immune function, reduce stress, and support a healthy heart.
Improve Blood Flow to the Penis
These benefits are partly due to the pills’ ability to improve circulation and blood flow to the penis. This is partly due to the secondary abilities of the natural ingredients they contain.
However, it’s important I point out not all male enhancement pills are as good as the manufacturers say.
Because ED is such a common but little talked about problem, there’s a big market for natural remedies.
Overcome Erectile Dysfunction
This has led to many manufacturers becoming involved in the industry for the wrong reason. Instead of helping men overcome their ED, they are more interested in personal gain.
Don’t worry though. There are some very good options available. You’ll find a list of some of the best ones further down this page.
What Kind of Ingredients do Male Enhancement Pills Generally Contain?
All the best male enhancement pills contain natural ingredients. The manufacturers choose them for their ability to provide good results with little or no chance of side effects.
Some of the ingredients in these libido-boosting supplements have a long history of use in herbal medications.
Korean ginseng is a good example. It’s a popular aphrodisiac with a longstanding reputation.
Ginseng is also renowned for its ability to improve physical health and mental well-being in numerous ways.
Many people use ginseng supplements to improve vitality and support good health.
Apart from providing effective relief from ED, the natural ingredients in all of the best male enhancement pills are cheap and easy to source.
This makes it easier for manufacturers to distribute their “sex pills” at a reasonable price.
Top 5 Male Enhancement Pills on the Market
As previously mentioned, some male enhancement pills are not as good as the marketing makes it appear.
This section contains a list of five of the best male potency pills available today.
All five options are good. They have already succeeded in changing many (sex) lives for the better. To help you find the right one for you, we are providing an overview of each one, along with some pros and cons.
Viasil – for Erectile Dysfunction

Viasil is a popular product that enhances male sexual potency. Like the other products on our list of top 5 male enhancement pills, Viasil provides a combination of natural ingredients including pomegranate and ginkgo balboa, and horny goat weed.
Viasil works a little differently to many similar products because it takes a slightly more holistic approach.
Apart from getting things nice and pumped up it also aims to boost energy levels and improve health and well-being.
However, differences aside, as with many other sex-enhancement products for men, Viasil engorges the penis thanks to its ability to boost nitric oxide and improve circulation.
Meanwhile, the product provides improvements to mood, general health, and stamina by increasing the synergy between ATP and ADP.
Viasil also contains zinc. It’s an important mineral that’s often added to testosterone boosters. Some people say zinc is responsible for the aphrodisiacal quality of oysters.
By boosting testosterone, zinc may also increase levels of human growth hormone (HGH) because the two seem to have a synergistic relationship.
Many people try to increase HGH because doing so is said to help keep you young.
- 60-day money-back guarantee
- Rapid shipping and free next-day delivery
- Regular flash-sales that provide discounts of up to 20%
- Individual results can vary a lot
- May need cycling
Other Considerations to Bear in Mind
There are two ways to use this product. It depends on your primary goal at the time.
If you are using Viasil to enhance sexual activity, you need to take one pill, 30 minutes before play.
If you are taking it as a daily health and wellness supplement, you take one tablet in the morning and another at night.
However, if you take Viasil every day, the manufacturer suggests you use a cycle of 3-4 months on followed by a break of a few weeks.
Male Extra – Best Male Enhancement Pill

Shop Male Extra >>
Male Extra is one of the top-ranked male libido boosters and male enhancement pills on the market. It has been since it was launched a decade ago.
Men are who use it are thrilled by its ability to pump-up the penis and make it larger, and harder while also increasing sensitivity during sex.
You need to take Male Extra three times per day and there is no need to worry unduly about side effects. It’s been approved safe by the FDA.
Additional Benefits
Apart from improving your prowess between the sheets, Male Extra also offers some additional benefits.
The main ingredient is L-Arginine. It’s an amino acid that improves circulation by boosting nitric oxide. This is good for helping make sure your penis becomes nicely engorged.
However as well as providing a better erection, L-Arginine is good for boosting energy as well.
Male Extra also contains pomegranate. That’s good for increasing energy too so there is no need to worry about losing steam in the middle of play.
- Science-backed abilities
- Fast-acting formulation that delivers quick results (typically within a few weeks)
- Free worldwide shipping
- Discount prices often available
- Easy to access customer support
- 60-Day money-back guarantees
- Lack of express shipping options
- Only available via the official website
Other Considerations to Bear in Mind
Nobody is saying bigger is better. There’s a lot of truth to the old saying that states, “It’s how you use it that counts. However, many men using Male Extra state the product gave them little “extra” length to play with.
Results appear to vary, but the reported size increase ranges from 0.8 – 2.6 inches.
Don’t go expecting results overnight though. These reports are attributable to men who used the male enhancement pills every day for 3-6 months.
VigRX Plus – Male Virility Supplement

Easily one of the best male enhancement pills on the market, VigRX Plus is a high-quality product made in the USA.
It’s the go-to solution for thousands of men with ED and this has been the case for around 17 years.
The original version (VigRX) was launched in 2002 and, although it was a roaring success, the manufacturer decided to tweak the formulation and make it stronger still. VigRX Plus is the result.
Stronger, bigger, longer-lasting erections: with VigRX Plus you really can’t keep a good man down. It’s one of the most potent and respected products of its kind and some doctors in North America recommend VigRX Plus as a natural alternative to Viagra.
VigRX Plus contains several good ingredients. One of them is ginkgo bilboa. It’s a respected herb held in high esteem by practitioners of traditional Eastern medicine.
Among other things, ginkgo bilboa is a powerful antioxidant that improves nerve cell functionality.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine fully endorses many of the benefits claimed for this herb.
Unfortunately, VigRX Plus works so well it’s become the most counterfeited male enhancement pill in the world. Be aware of that if you are thinking of buying this product. If you want the real thing, the official website is the only place to buy this product.
- Made to high-quality standards in the USA
- Discounts available for bulk-buy purchases
- Clinical studies support the manufacturer’s claims
- Long track record and thousands of satisfied customers
- 67-day money-back guarantee
- Need to buy directly from the manufacturer to avoid fake products
- No express shipping options
Other Considerations to Bear in Mind
Apart from boosting sexual potency, VigRX Plus also excels at increasing sexual desire. Some research shows show the improvement can be up to 61%.
To get the best form VigRX Plus, you need to take one pill, two times per day.

Proslution+ is another excellent choice if you are looking for a natural way to alleviate ED. It’s a blend of natural ingredients that work together and won’t let you down.
Apart from supporting a rock-hard erection, Proslution+ increases penis sensitivity during sex and helps you experience intenser orgasms.
Proslution+ is different from the other items on our list of best male enhancement pills because it does something the others do not do.
Unfortunately, it won’t make you more attractive to women. What it can do though is help with premature ejaculation.
Obviously, if you are having troubles getting up in the first place, you won’t be having a quick visit and then going on your way. However, if this was a problem for you before the onset of ED, Proslution+ is a first-rate choice. Better still, research shows it works well in this regard.
According to research published in the American Journal of Therapeutics, men who suffer from premature ejaculation may benefit from a 64% improvement in their condition.
The natural ingredients in Proslution+ have been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for several thousand years.
Its proven its worth as a sexual performance booster with men all over the world and is well-deserving of a place on a list supplements such as this.
- Backed by extensive medical research
- The benefits Prosolution + provides can continue long after you discontinue use
- Many men see improvement within a week
- Versatile formula that can get you up and keep you there longer
- 67-day money-back guarantee
- Some men find it can take 3-6 months before they notice any improvements
Other Considerations to Bear in Mind
Proslution+ contains an ingredient (mucuna pruriens) that boosts dopamine. This can promote relaxation and help take the stress out of sex.
Although this may seem a strange consideration, it’s not.
Men who have been having performance issues for any length of time may find their attempts to get their sex lives back on track quite a harrowing experience.
Extenze – Male Enhancement Nutritional Supplement

Extenze is one of the most sought-after male potency boosting products (male enhancement pill) in the world.
The fact that it’s so fast-acting may have a lot to do with this but it’s certainly not the only reason. As a male sex enhancement supplement, it has a lot going for it.
If speed is a primary consideration for you, you may be interested to learn some men find Extenze gets them up and running within a matter of days.
Unfortunately, the brand has a somewhat murky history involving doping scandals and a lawsuit for false advertising.
However, its notable abilities as a male enhancement pill make it an option some men may find too good to resist.
The manufacturer claims a sales volume that exceeds 1 billion along with an incredible number of satisfied customers.
If you want to put extra lead in your pencil, Extenze could be the supplement to see you write.
One of the key ingredients is a natural steroid called dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). It aids natural testosterone production.
In so doing DHEA boosts sex drive, provides longer-lasting erections, and enhances orgasm intensity.
DHEA is not going it alone though. It’s aided by a blend of potent natural ingredients that target hormone synthesis in a way that can provide incredible results.
- Fast-acting
- May boost immune system efficiency
- Individual results can vary considerably
- Side effects
Other Considerations to Bear in Mind
The product is associated with several side effects including headache and nausea. It also has the potential to react with certain medications. If you are planning on using this product it’s a good idea to check with your doctor first.
Horny Goat Weed Supplements—Yes or No?
“Horny Goat Weed“: It sounds very hypey, doesn’t it? Not surprisingly, a lot of people question the value of this popular libido-boosting herb.
However, many male potency boosters contain horny goat weed. Lots of other sex pills do too and not without good reason.
Horny goat weed has been an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine for many thousands of years. It’s a popular treatment for sexual problems and ED.
Modern-day research proves horny goat weed works. Not only that; researchers have also discovered the reason why it works.
Horny goat weed is a source of icariin. It’s a phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) blocker. There’s no need to get too technical here, but PDE5 is a compound that prevents normal erection by stopping the blood vessels in the penis from dilating.
You may be interested to learn Viagra works in the same way. Like many other less hypey-sounding natural ingredients, horny goat weed is more than capable of getting the job done.
Best Male Enhancement Products Summary
There are a number of ways to alleviate ED. It’s no longer a problem you need to take to bed.
As well as the pharmaceutical (prescription) options, such as Viagra, there are some good natural alternatives as well. Having erectile dysfunction does not have to be the end of the world or a life without sex.
One of the best things about most of the male enhancement pills available to buy over-the-counter is the lack of side effects. These days, many people prefer natural alternatives to chemicals and drugs.
The other interesting thing is, even though drugs are seen as the established remedy for all number of ailments, the chemicals they provide are often relatively new.
Many of the ingredients in natural male potency boosters have been popular with herbalists for many hundreds of years.
Natural ingredients are also extremely versatile and may provide additional benefits you didn’t expect.
If you are currently searching for a way to tackle ED, the main thing to do is take action. The route you take is up to you.
If you feel like a make enhancement pill without natural ingredients may help, try and pick up the courage to discuss the matter with your doctor.
If you prefer a natural ED treatment, you are unlikely to find any better options than the five on our list
Remember, the important thing is not which one you take but, rather, that you take action. You may be surprised what difference the right choice of male enhancement pills can make.