As a woman gets older her sexuality changes. Some with women get a higher sex drive while others increase. This article looks at the way in which certain factors can influence a mature woman’s sexual desires.

What Will I Learn
Mature Women’s Sexual Desires Decreases With Age?
A woman’s sexual desire generally reduces with age. The same is true for men but mature women are two to three times more likely to struggle with a failing libido than mature men are.
It can differ on an individual level but waning sexual desire often starts becoming a problem when women enter their late 40s and 50s.
For some women, the problems with libido may come a little earlier on in their life. Every woman is different.
Instead of losing interest in sex as they age, some women experience a mid-life increased interest in sex. Women who do are in the minority, but it happens.
For the few women who find their growing maturity brings a boost in libido, it may bring about a personal sexual revolution.
With all those years of mensuration behind them and no need for contraception or the worry of becoming pregnant—they can do what they want when they want without any need to take a few days off at certain times of the month.
In many cases, their children will have already left home. That gives them more privacy and there is less need to keep the noise down.
For the lucky few, these privileges can be a great compensation for all those gray hairs that start to appear.
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The Hormonal Changes Happening Behind the Scenes
During the menopause transition period, there are a lot of hormonal changes in a woman’s body. These changes are happening behind the scenes.
Although they are not visible to the naked eye, all those fluctuating hormones bring about physical changes women can feel.
Night sweats, hot flushes, vaginal dryness; all these symptoms of menopause are the result of falling estrogen levels.
The distraction of night sweats and hot flushes can be enough to trigger a reduced interest in sex on their own. Vaginal dryness and the risk of discomfort during sex only go to make a bad situation even worse.
Then there are the testosterone level changes to deal with. Although testosterone is the male sex hormone, the female body produces it too, albeit in lesser quantities.
Testosterone has a role to play in governing the female sex drive. It also integral to sexual sensation.
The relationship between testosterone and women’s sexual desire is complex.
There’s a lack of scientific data to show low testosterone levels can reduce mature women’s sexual desire but many experts agree the connection exists.
There are ways for women and of course men, to get their T levels checked. If they are on the low side there are natural T boosting supplements that can be used to increase them
As well as directly influencing female sexual desire, the hormonal changes that happen due to menopause also cause many women to gain weight.
Mid-life women often gain 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) per year. That doesn’t sound a lot but it all adds up and some women are unlucky enough to gain a lot more.
This is because low estrogen levels encourage the body to start building increased stores of visceral fat around the belly.
Sudden weight gain can be very damaging to a woman’s self-esteem. Especially if she has spent her whole life looking gloriously slim.
The unwanted fat deposits can also cause some women feel less desirable and make them more likely to cover up than strip off.
The Way Reduced Sexual Desire Affects Different Women
Some women experience such a gradual decline in sexual desire they pay it little heed. It doesn’t have much of an impact on their overall sexuality or adversely affect their quality of life.
For other women, it can be a very different story. The fact that they have less interest in sex can be a source of great distress.
In many cases, a clinical diagnosis will reveal they are suffering from hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSSD)
HSSD is a very common condition. It’s classed as a sexual dysfunction and affects up to 33 percent of adult women in the US.
The condition is characterized by a lack or absence of sexual fantasies and a lack of desire for sex.
When women experience a reduction in sexual desire, the way it affects them directly may not be the only problem. Even if their failing libido doesn’t bother them, it may be a much bigger deal for their partners.
When a woman’s partner wants sex and she does not, it can cause arguments and place stress on an otherwise solid relationship.
In cases where her partner does not fully comprehend why things have changed it may raise questions that could lead to mistrust.

Female Sexual Desire May Be More Complicated Than It Seems
Some research suggests the desire for sex may not be as important as it appears to be.
Instead of being a spontaneous thing that could be deemed a case of cause and effect, with desire being the cause and sex the effect, the desire for sex may come after an encounter begins.
If this is so, a woman’s partner may be able to bypass her failing libido and still manage to light the fuse.
Perhaps by doing something as simple as snuggling close, while showing love and a desire for intimacy.
Using a Change of Lifestyle to Battle the Change of Life
Its possible a few lifestyle tweaks may be enough to help some mature women get their sex life back on track.
Getting more exercise or pursuing activities like meditation or yoga can do wonders for the body and de-stress the mind.
Focusing on healthy eating can also be beneficial. When the body lacks specific nutrients, such as zinc and Vitamin B12, it can have a libido damping effect.
Getting more sleep may help as well. The results of one study show women who get an extra hour of sleep are 14 percent more likely to want sex the following day.